Badass Barware Boutique at The Great Junk Hunt

Badass Barware Boutique at The Great Junk Hunt

Find us in Puyallup for our first spring retail event. We’re bringing a fresh batch of curated vintage, mid-century, and 100% badass barware, glassware, and everything cocktail for your home bar. We’re busy polishing and restoring special pieces and sets...
NW Flower and Garden Festival

NW Flower and Garden Festival

Yipee! We’ll be at the NW Flower and Garden Festival, our first retail event of 2023. Find us in the Vintage Garden Market all 5 days — Feb. 15-19 in Seattle at the Washington State Convention Center. Details and ticket info at the festival’s...

The Great Junk Hunt — Monroe, WA

Come shop our vintage, mid-century, and badass barware at The Great Junk Hunt in Monroe, WA. We have unique, one-of-a-kind gifts for everyone on your holiday shopping list. Be ready to entertain in style. Full details about The Great Junk Hunt on Friday, Nov. 4 and...


We are thrilled to be back at the PNW’s newest and coolest music festival. The Market is magical and we cannot wait. There’s music, art, yoga, and BADASS BARWARE! We’re talking 1950s travel bars and everything else to support and enhance your...